Sunday, July 26, 2009

St. James Day

today was Saint James day at my church, which happens to be a fairly big occasion. there is a large cookout and a whole bunch of foods and drinks that other people bring in. it was good. it didn't rain like it does on previous Saint James days.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


i am very tired and cold. Extremely cold indeed. I| got sprayed full blast by a fountain while wearing very light clothes(Not to light though. just light enough to soak through completely. it was awesome.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Drink up your shakespeare

i am so happy! i get to see my friends for the first time since school ended. I wanted to see them earlier but it didn't work out the way i wanted it to. In other words, i lost there phone numbers. but now, everything is good. or is it? BUM-BUM-BUBUMMMM!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

guest blogger thomas s.

Big:Huge Humongous

Small:Tiny Microscopic

funny:Craze Hilarious

Monday, July 13, 2009


i just got outside from a lot of yard work. well, not a lot. a good amount though. it was very good. i loved it. today has been a long day. i was so tired when i got home. it was really subnormal how tired i was. It was so weird!!!!!!!!!!!i just think i should be a little less tired.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Yakima international Bananafest

i just got back from the beach. it was completely awesome. for the first time in my entire life i was stung by a jellyfish. i know that sounds weird, seeing as i have been around for a while, but still. it didn't hurt until about 30 minutes after it was stung.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

ramen spaceship

i had a really weird day. the world just seemed to go by really really fast and no one seemed to notice or care. everything was just gone in a flash, even the dull stuff. it was really weird. there should be more days like that. WEIRD AND AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Oh, what a night!

last night i was up until 11:30 because i was at the artomatic. but that wasn't the bad part. the bad part was the building right by the National's stadium and last night was a game. we got out around the same time as the baseball people left and we were stuck at an intersection for 6 light cycles before we got out. to top it all off, we got a parking ticket for something we didn't do. it was a nightmare, but it was worth it. the art there was terrific.

Friday, July 03, 2009


i just got back from playing tennis. there is nothing like early morning tennis in the summer. you just can not compare it. in the winter it is far too cold to play, and in the autumn the leaves get everywhere. so you can only play in spring and summer. it is hard in spring because school is still in and it is hard to get up early. so summer is the only real option.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Quazaki Hirako

i have had a very long two weeks these past two weeks. I was at a very tiring summer camp that lasted a pretty long time. Now, however, i have a full weekend ahead of me. i am going to artematic tomorrow. That will be pretty good, i guess. i have never heard of it before.