Tuesday, June 30, 2009


today was a really tiring day. it was just cram packed. there wasn't enough room to sneeze. we went to camp. then we had to stay late because of the weather. than we had to rush my sister to a friend's house and come home. it was a lot more tiring than it sounds. my legs are just killing me. Yours would too after a day of vigorous activity. at least it was inside.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


i just got back from duckpin bowling with some friends of the family. i was Beast at that game. I was perhaps one of the best there. my mom, myself and a lady named Kate. it went pretty well. we didn't actually take score. we were just there to have some fun.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Intergalactic cheesecake

i feel really weird today. we got stopped from coming home because are car got a Boot put on it even though we were not parked illegally. It all turned out good in the end though. we got it off with the help of a professional person. an official, to be exact. we didn't hire anyone to do it for us.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


perhaps my favorite food in the whole world that is served in a bowl. Jambalaya and Chile are the only foods in bowls that compare to plated food. They REPRESENT! And it is currently being cooked upstairs by Miss jambalaya herself, My MOM! i am pretty much in good hands right now.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I find a Festival and i want to paint it black

tonight we are having a triple party because 1: My sister graduated 2: It is father's day and 3: it is my other sister's birthday tomorrow. It is just so gushy and happy. i want to paint it a deeper shade of blue. I mean, it is all great and stuff but it seems a bit too happy.

Friday, June 19, 2009


today is the first day of summer break. i slept late, watched some TV, and now i am taking my computer time. it is a simple pleasure, i must admit, but a satisfying one none of the less. Life is good.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


all worries i had built up inside of me all ended today. I got my test score back and i made it into the class i wanted. I am so happy. i would have been happy with anything though. i was so WORrIED.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


it is the last Saturday before the end of the school year! I am gonna be moving UP!! UP!! And AWAY!!!!! i am so happy because i will be able to just relax(Something i have not done in a very long time) and rest.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


summer is absolutely definitely here, Equinox or no Equinox. |I| am getting home every day really really sweaty. It is also raining cats and dogs here in Maryland. Every morning and every night there is a new thunder storm and it is always soggy and muggy in the morning. cheers.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


today was just one really bad day as far as weather goes. it was really rainy in the morning when you wanted it to be sunny. it was way too hot in the afternoon, and now the storm is so strong our TV never gets a signal. WE'RE DOOMED!!

Sunday, June 07, 2009


the school year is reaching its end and i am getting kinda worried and excited at the same time. I am excited because cause i can stop stressing myself but i am worried because i still need 1 hour of volunteer hours. if i Don't get them soon, i won't be able to graduate.